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Main Information

Crazy Adventures, Fun and Friendship These are the voyages of Salty Lass, a Bavaria 36 circa ...
The crew of Sailing Yacht Salty Lass have two main passions in life, sailing and cooking. So if ...
Salty Lass is a Bavaria 36 with asperations, because if you measure her she is 37 feet long. She ...
Beverley and Gaynor have been friends since they met on their year out in 1984. Lots of stuff ...
Prudence and friends live on Salty Lass and have their own fun and games, They all have a role to ...
Our blog contains, videos - these all have Prudence in the bottom left hand corner, galleries - ...
in our YouTube Channel we have several playlists, so we thought that we would tell you all about ...
We started our You Tube Channel under the name Splice and Dice. We wanted a channel that reflected ...
Please remember that these pages are here to reflect Beverley's and Gaynor's journey to become ...
For International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea Questions will be confined to the ...
Hope you have fun with our little quiz about the Collision Regulations. This quiz was created as ...
Have a go at this quiz on some of the aspects on lights and shapes. There are also links to other ...
When you are in restricted visibility or you want to quickly tell others what your intension is, ...
Candidates will be expected to know what safety equipment should be carried on board a yacht, ...
Candidates for Coastal Skipper examinations will be expected to answer questions or demonstrate ...
For this you need to know:- Properties, use and care of synthetic fibre ropes Knots ...
A skipper is responsible for Can skipper a yacht and manage the crew Communication with ...
There is lots to cover in Navigation including:- Charts, navigational publications and ...
As we have been improving our skills, we have come across a lot of great information that you too ...
This is the course elements for the Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Syllabus along with ...
These galleries are of pictures that we have taken. Please note they are all copy write Salty ...
Please contact us via our face book page. You can also follow us on ...
We joined Marine Traffic on 17th March 2020, so if you really want to follow us you can. We ...
We all love Free stuff and when we get great stuff or learn about Free services that may well be ...
We all love to see a beautiful beach or a fantastic horizon, so as we travel then we will take the ...
When a fellow yachtie came aboard Salty Lass and said that he could really do with a copy of our ...
This review covers from just before buying Salty Lass to March 2019. You can click on the pictire ...
This review covers our second year of owning Salty Lass. We've selected just a few of our stories, ...
It can be a bit strange, but it can also feel like an honour when one of our fellow yachties ...


These are our adventures in 2018. This was the year that we bought the Lass and brought her home ...
In 2019 there was a lot of boat projects, Salty Lass was set up as a day cruiser and we wanted to ...
Our main aims for 2020 which were to complete our training for the RYA Yachtmaster, and complete ...
Well the year is up for grabs with who know what ...
What fun will we have this year ...
It's the start of the year, so there is hope that we will get around Ireland this year, but even ...
We will be staying in and around Bangor Northern Ireland so we will see what content we will be ...
We have dropped the hook in a few places, some sucessfully and some not so good, but here we have ...
Buying a boat involves a lot of research, so we have put together what we did, to give you an ...
If you own a boat then there are always boat projects to do. If you are cruiser, then your boat is ...
We love the RNLI and I'm afraid we have had cause to use them, which is why we are raising money ...
These pages are about our Dinghy called Salty Sausage. We bought her in Liverpool, because our ...
We have had our fair share of disasters, or at least we have skirted the edge of disaster, some ...
One of the 99 skills you need to learn about while cruising, is electrics. How is your boat wired, ...
We have a volvo penta 20 20 and here we have grouped togeter our maintenance videos, our issues ...
There are lots of places to explore in England and with a long nautical history, there are lots to ...
As you go cruising there are lots of wonderful events, to go to and just be part of ...
For us, food means gluten free food, we love food and we want to experience as much food as we ...
We are girls who want to have fun, so when we have a laugh or do something silly then this where ...
The second place that we had ever went to in Salty Lass was a harbour. At first it was quite ...
We are not perfect, but we try our best to explain how we do stuff ...
When you cruise around the Isle of Man, it feels like you step back in time, with steam trains and ...
Keeping your boat in shape and other routine maintenance tasks. ...
We have used several Marinas, we might not show you the whole marina, but there will be a shot of ...
In these we just chat, talk about stuff and other miscellaneous topics ...
There are lots of mooring balls that you can use while you are cruising, they are usually cheaper ...
Learning to navigate, is an important skill to learn. We have had to navigate through some tricky ...
When it comes to cruising there are some deals to be made in Northern Ireland with many of the ...
We have meet some interesting people along the way, some famous, some not so famous, but they all ...
For Beverley and I our most hated job is plumbing, as that can mean S***. The bilge pumps are also ...
Being Safe on board is a high priority. Here are some of the projects that we have completed to ...
Scotland is a wonderful place to explore, with rugged countryside and beautiful scenery. ...
There is much to explore in Southern Ireland as you go cruising ...
With castles, rugged coastline and some truely great places to explore, there is lots to see as ...
These are specific videos that have been created to cover the Yachtmaster syllabus. To look at ...


A re-edited version of our early sails We were in Liverpool and it was time to go sailing, so ...
We actually built our own marina out of way points, over two years ago, because we wanted to see ...
Well oour annual maintenance time has approached and it is time to pull out our anchor chain and ...
We had left the anchorage in Dunmore East and we were at last sailing, We were just near where the ...
We were once again in Dunmore East at anchor and Beverley talked about a book called the hitch ...
It had been a busy day at Kilmore, we had bought some essential supplies, I had done the washing ...
We had left Dunmore East and we were at last travelling towards new horizons. I love going new ...
We had left Kilmore Quay for the second time. Our first departure was not a success because, the ...
We were anchored out side Rosslare and it was foggy. The harbour of Rosslare was not that far away ...
We were in Arklow and the conditions were rough. It was so bad that large waves were coming up the ...
We had left Greystones and we were sailing. Now when we are sailing Beverley and I chat a lot ...
We were in Malahide and we were concerned about out exhaust elbow. It was a task that we had been ...
We had anchored in Dundalk bay and had a peaceful nights rest. We had needed to use our lee cloths ...
We were in Arglass and we were preparing to leave to go South. However, the video shows the last ...
After a long delay because of weather, we were finally off. Our delay in departure was even longer ...
We were stuck in Bangor Marina, there was storm after storm and they were all coming from the ...
We had travelled late from Carrickfergus because we had hoped that the weather would get milder as ...
We were in Carrickfergus for two nights and we were determined to make the best use of our stay, ...
Can you believe it, we have finally left the marina, we are only going to Carrickfergus to see ...
As our contract nears the end, we carry on with our preparation for departure Departure day - 5 ...
I had at last finished my wee job that keeps me busy during the winter, so it was time to buckle ...
We had taken the sail down, but it was far too windy to continue with that job, so we decided to ...
The title for this episode comes from "Blown away" and is very accurate, but trust me on this we ...
One of the maintenance jobs that needed doing was servicing the winches. We service our winches ...
Beverley and I are up to our necks in stuff to do, we have a whole load of half finished jobs that ...
We have had a problem with our water pump for quire some time, in fact it has been going off ...
We were in Bangor on a fairly windy day and with my work schedule, doing jobs for Beverley's mum ...
We were out on Belfast Lough because we wanted to try out out our cruising chute and suss out ...
The weather is still not great here in Bangor, with lots of dull days and grey skies, but its dry ...
The weather was calm so Beverley flew the drone over the marina. I have to say I love drone ...
At the moment in Bangor we have F10 and F9 storms coming through the night, with one night ...
We managed to have a nice day, so Beverley flew the drone. The drone really gives a sense of ...
Welcome to 2023, Beverley's mind was not switched on, but the year was only 12 hours old, so I ...
We anchored in Ballyholme Bay for the night. It is amazing, how it only takes one step, for people ...
We stayed on the mooring at Port St. Mary for two nights because the winds were quite high, but ...
Sailing is a constant task of assessing the wind and making the most of the conditions you have. ...
We were in Peel and we put our sailing gear out to dry in the wind. We had got ourselves seriously ...
With the wind coming from the south Ballyholme Bay has been a fantastic refuge. For sailing south ...
We had been in Carrickfergus to see Beverley's mum and sorting out a few bits and bobs, but it was ...
We had left Gigha and it was time to get the sails up, so we unhitched the halyard from one of ...
We were at anchor in Lagg Bay and we were trying to get a forecast, so we made my phone into a ...
We were sailing at a good clip of knots down the Sound of Jura and I was juggling like mad, trying ...
Our bilges were full of goodies and we were on our way to find our next adventure, whatever that ...
We had been at anchor for a few days, and the arc that we had drawn with the track on our chart ...
Sitting at anchor is great. It is relaxing and great to get away from everything, but we are in ...
Before we showed our latest sailing adventure, we thanked our supporters and they are Darrel ...
Our stay in Tayvallich was really pleasant, with a good cross section of what Scotland has to ...
We had left Gigha and we were sailing, we really wanted to sail as long as possible, after all the ...
We left the secret anchorage after a few days chilling out and working, but the weather was right ...
While we were at anchor, Beverley chatted about the various controversies that there are on You ...
We were in Carrickfergus and it was a particularly stormy day, When we have stormy days like this, ...
We had left Port St. Mary and we were heading towards Northern Ireland. The winds were so light we ...
We were leaving Douglas after being there for longer than we intended. It had been nice in Douglas ...
We were in Douglas, out on the waiting pontoon. The good thing about the the waiting pontoon is ...
We had left Liverpool and we were proceeding up the channel, vast the various buoys that mark the ...
We had got out of the yard which meant that we needed to put the sails back up. While we had the ...
The sails were down and Salty Lass was ready for going into the yard. Once in the yard she got her ...
As the weather was so mild we decided that we would come in over the rock channel, which is a set ...
We had been away from Salty Lass for two weeks while we sorted out solicitors, the funeral and a ...
While we were in Caernarfon we saw my brother and met a really nice guy who donated some money ...
We were in Arklow and after a days rest, sailing can really take it out of you, it was time to ...
We left Kilmore Quay with a little bit of fowl tide. The tide turns early inshore, but we went ...
We left Dunmore East under an incredibly moody sky, I love dark skies, especially when there is ...
Beverley and I had got to Waterford, so that I could get off as soon as I could and get back to ...
We had been in Kilmore Quay for a few days, but the weather looked favourable so we were off. We ...
Beverley and I were a few days in Arklow, sorting out a few boat tasks and getting videos put ...
The big storm that we were sheltering from had passed and we had left a full 24hours to let the ...
We left Malahide to anchor just off Ireland's eye. The weather was beautiful and it was fantastic ...
Our around Ireland adventures had begun, we had finally gone around the corner of Belfast Lough ...
The great canopy project of 2022 was at an end and it was at last time to leave Abercorn Basin. ...
The day our contract expired arrived and it was time to move Salty Lass. Beverley found that ...
I am turning into my mother every day, and with the expression I am wearing in this picture then I ...
Viewers to our channel probably think we are mad, well with a title of "A beak-extension can keep ...
We have three weeks left on our contract so we are buckling down and sorting out all the wee jobs ...
As I am writing this, we have not tested this design, but it should give you ideas about making ...
I know I am biased, but I will be honest, I really like this video. It was sunny, we got the drone ...
This week we celebrated Twosday which was at 22h 22m 22s on 22/2/22. We celebrated in grand style ...
The marina were getting rid of some fenders. They had come off other peoples boats and were ...
In between storm after storm we managed to get a whole lot done. We installed our engine panel and ...
We bought our DC-AC convertor over two years ago, it has been sitting in Salty Lass not connected ...
Not much got done this week because the weather was dreadful, we have really been bashed about ...
We still had an electrical item to install but it was sunny, so we decided to seize the day and go ...
Next week we will finally be installing the DC-AC convertor that we bought last year with the last ...
As soon as the New Year hit I was off the boat visiting friends and family. I love catching up ...
It was the 31st of December and I was doing the washing so I had a huge pile on deck. Beverley was ...
In what can only be described as a marathon edit, Beverley produced this weeks episode which is ...
Beverley and I had been in port for a long time, we have had storm Arwen which was a real bute, ...
Anchoring out is such great fun, you can get to places that are remote, interesting and beautiful. ...
Well the winter talks have begun and to kick the season off, we start with how we moor up to ...
All our visitors had gone so it was at last time to pull the windlass and fix it. So these are the ...
As soon as we got back to Belfast I was away to visit my parents for a short while, so Beverley ...
The weather was overcast, but there was no rain forecast so we decided to explore Islay, so we ...
We were once again in Craobh, a nice enough marina, but realistically there is not much to do. The ...
As we continued down the Sound of Jura, the fog started to descend, so much so that I could not ...
We had done a short bunny hop down the coast to Puilladobhrain Anchorage which was quite snug with ...
We had just seen one of the best dolphin displays ever on Salty Lass, my heart was in my mouth, it ...
We were in the anchorage off Lingay island, but the wind was at 22knots which is beaufort 5 but we ...
We were in Canna and the weather forecast was for a motor, so we decided that we would stay in ...
We had finally got past Ardnamurchan point and it's lighthouse, which needed a lick of paint in my ...
We anchored in Loch Aline, this meant that on this trip we had been on the pontoon, taken a ...
After we dropped Karen off, the weather turned from mild to horrible, so we had to cross the bay ...
After picking up Karen we motored over to Loch Aline, last time we were there we had not even got ...
A different day in Scotland and the weather was completely different. The day before we had too ...
We were in Carrickfergus for a few days seeing Beverley's mum, sorting out the engine and doing ...
We had come to Conwy Marina because our speed logger was not working. So Roland marine put in a ...
It was at last time to leave our morning in the Menai straights. We had been there two weeks, and ...
Relaxing in the Menai straights can be hard, especially if relaxing is not your thing. So while I ...
After the yard, we stayed in Liverpool marina for one night as there was still lots to be done ...
As we continue on with our essential maintenances, we come across various nightmares which we ...
With our second week in the yard, it was time to crack on and remove our above water sea-cocks, ...
It is not a great feeling seeing your yacht being lifted out, but it is a necessary one because ...
After having a few hours rest in the Isle of Man we continued on our journey to the Isle of Man. ...
After having a little rest in Troon, it was back out so that we could get to Liverpool. Leaving ...
After a few days in Millport we were still on the Mooring balls rather than at anchor and there ...
We prefer to ENJOY our sailing rather than ENDURE our sailing, but sometime that just does not ...
Our journey continues around the Firth of Clyde, taking our time for us it is the only way to go. ...
We were at last in Scotland, in Campbeltown and our 2021 adventure could begin at last. Of course ...
There are plans, desires and what we want to do, then there is the UK weather and soon you realise ...
If everything goes to plan. It is a trip not an adventure. We were up and out to sea by 04:40, ...
Our contract for Carrickfergus Marina had expired on 30th April so it was a good thing that it was ...
Salty Lass was tested as much as we could, so now it was time to go out and test ourselves with a ...
We have been working so hard to get Salty Lass ready for sailing. It is amazing the amount of work ...
After living aboard for four months and not moving our boat was what could only be described as a ...
This week we finally get around to our engine service. We have done a few videos covering this ...
Spring has begun and our itchy feet are starting to itch something shocking. Some good news though ...
At last the end of the projects seem in view. We have serviced all sorts, tidied up various areas ...
Our sail projects continue, with me on the sail bag and Beverley on the Furlex. In addition to ...
The weather at the moment, just seems to be one thing after another if its not storms, then it is ...
Well our last three videos have been about different stuff just so that we could avoid the ...
The weather is still truly dreadful. It is February and we have had storm after storm. So with yet ...
On Sunday the beast from the East was raging so Beverley and I went out for a walk, just to create ...
Well it has been particularly cold, wet and miserable down at the marina, so seeing as most of the ...
Well the electrics were in, so now it was time to get my trusty sewing machine out and put it to ...
Our sockets were ready and we had run our cable through the yacht so now it was time to wire up ...
Some jobs just take forever even if they are really simple. With the job in this weeks episode, we ...
Well it was really cold down at the marina, in fact it was so cold we had ice forming on the ...
We had bought some replacement windows and they had been in our back cabin for a few weeks now, so ...
Well this was just a little bit of an experiment, as we tried out our first live stream, we just ...
We are having a break from vlogging every week, so this week we put together a summary video which ...
Living on a boat and getting ready for Christmas can be a strange affair but with a few pipe ...
When ever we are not working or the winds are light then its projects for us and we just get on ...
Beverley and I are continuing to become better sailors by the simple procedure of going out into ...
Heaving to is a great way of stoping your boat in its tracks. One of the channels that we watch ...
The weather was really bad, so there was no sailing for us. So it was a case of getting stuck in ...
We have bought some more camera mounts, in last weeks blog so this week we decided to go out into ...
To say is was a stormy day in Carrickfergus is a little bit of an understatement. as we had gale ...
Quite a few people had asked us to create a video on close hauling so we went out into Belfast ...
Well we were back in Carrickfergus, so it was time to state what our projects were and ask viewers ...
We were in Glenarm and an array of storms were coming in and the tide would mean that we would be ...
On 10th October 2020, we reached our goal of raising £500 for the RNLI. If fact when we ...
We were in Larne Lough and we had a choice, either motor up to Glenarm or get the dinghy out to ...
We had been in the marina, catching up on work and getting on with a lot of other stuff, but at ...
Unfortunately we had to go back to Carrickfergus, the doctors were insisting that Beverley had a ...
We had planned to only stay in Rothesay for the one day, but Storm Ellen decided to come our way ...
We were in Millport having a chill, but all good things come to an end because it was time to pop ...
We were at Lamlash and our plan was to sail over to Troon to pick up some guests, namely my ...
After getting our engine fixed it was time to prepare Salty Lass for sea, so there was lots to do, ...
We were getting ready to go, but we found an oil leak so we had to get that sorted first. There ...
One of the reasons we returned to Carrickfergus after our trip to Strangford Lough was because we ...
Well we had got to Portaferry and I had helmed Salty Lass into the slip and completley nailed the ...
Well we were in Strangford Lough, a place I had wanted to go for a long time, so we just had a ...
Well we were sailing to Strangford Lough, a place that I had wanted to go for ages, but because we ...
I was back on the Lass and there was so much we wanted to do. We wanted to get prepared for ...
There are several types of compass on Salty Lass, so as part of our Yacht master training I ...
The weather was still not good and although the place is starting to open up there are still ...
This is a great design for very simple bunks like ours on Salty Lass which are straight benches, ...
Really this is just the start of our thinking on Man Overboard, as we will be coming back to this ...
We are allowed out of the marina so we took the opportunity to practice some skills and put into ...
Restrictions are starting to get lifted, so it was time to finish off loads of little jobs that ...
In our last blog, we realised that our mast wind instrument needed recalibrating, so we went out ...
Our electrics were all complete, at last, and the marina's were letting people sail again, so it ...
It had been a job on our to do list for a while, but at last there was no more excuses, so it was ...
We decided to do a collaboration video on a topic that we found baffling and that was choosing our ...
One of the items in the Yachtmaster syllabus is "Preparing yacht for sea and for adverse weather" ...
A news paper man from Liverpool I know asked for our views on Lockdown, so this is what we wrote. ...
Well we found out that we can do more with our Auto pilot, we can get it to follow a track so that ...
One of our Newsletter followers requested a video on our Autopilot installation, which we had ...
There is not much that we can do in lock down to pursue our goal of becoming Yachtmasters, but ...
Well we might be stuck in Carrickfergus, but the weather has been beautiful, so we went out with ...
We found a whole load of goodies up in the cockpit from one of our subscribers so we set to making ...
We heard the high pressure pump go off unexpectedly, and the last time that happened we had lots ...
We were cleaning up our cameras when Beverley found some lost footage from one of our Autumn ...
On the 23rd March 2020 the UK closed down for three weeks, but before it did we managed to get a ...
One of the items that we have wanted for a long time was AIS, but there are so many options to ...
On the 14th March we celebrate two years of Salty Lass coming into our lives and reflect on how it ...
On 17th March 2020, Salty Lass joined Marine Traffic. We had set up a test rig on the 14th and we ...
Following on from our previous video, we extract all the relevant information needed to draw up an ...
When planning a passage then you need to look at a variety of different sources of information. ...
Due to the truly rotten weather our side panels had got really baggy, so I decided to make them ...
One of the services that the RNLI do, is show you how to service your life jacket. So we decided ...
When we bought Salty Lass, the windows were crazed and it was one of the items that was on our to ...
One of our subscribers had wanted us to talk about buoys, and we had just found some flip cards on ...
Our waterlock was rusting from the inside and leaving trails of rusty water on the inside of our ...
While learning about day shapes, I have really come to realise that sometimes you have to make ...
Our own very unique interpretation on the collision regulations aided and abetted by our very ...
It's a horrible day, the weather is dreadful, and Beverley and I are not only suffering from SAD, ...
As always we had lots to do, in fact we had so much to do to improve the starboard locker that we ...
The motor in our Eberspacher had just failed, so we decided that while we were sorting out the ...
When you read the collision regulations then it is important to create your own summary on them. ...
There is lots to learn before we put in for our Yachtmasters, so we started with some basic ...
When we heard about the Free RNLI life jacket check and advice onboard sessions we decided to ...
We love to celebrate on Salty Lass, so we celebrated Halloween by going down to Belfast and seeing ...
I decided to book myself on the RYA sea survival course. It's a one day course with the theory in ...
Beverley services all our cabin lights while I get to grips with moving our stern light ...
We had come to Belfast lough for the winter. There are some great marinas in the lough and we ...
Summary on all the great journeys that we have done around Northern Ireland, Carrickfergus to ...
You need to service your Eberspächer Diesel Heater every 2000 hours, which is just three ...
In Ardglass there is a small marina, which is a fantastic place to shelter in away from storms. ...
Motor through the night from Holyhead to Ardglass. Watch a Force 7 gale from the safety of the ...
In Holyhead, I was intrigued by the old buildings on the shore line, which turned out to be ...
We sorted out our engine again. This time the starter motor and a small gasket on the water ...
Two great passages to Holyhead, electrical issues, family, and lots of engine trouble as we ...
The clean up after our Pan Pan begins, so we sort out our problems and we discuss wind over tide. ...
Water was gushing into the engine compartment and filling up with diesel fumes so we declared a ...
We were weather bound in Conwy, so we took the opportunity to go for long walks along the beach, ...
With the weather we had in Conwy, we were able to take some really atmosperic shots ...
We finally finish installing solar power on our boat - so that means completing the solar arch ...
Details on the solar panels we used, along with the other equipment required, wiring diagrams and ...
We start preparing for going off grid, so that means buying equipment to construct a solar arch ...
Equipment and contruction diagram for making a solar arch, plus ideas for improvements that you ...
We had at last left Belfast Lough, it had seemed liked ages that we had been there. We had, had a ...
We were in Abercorn Basin in Belfast. The wind was just too strong to go out into the Irish sea, ...
We had hoped to sail with Karen back to Liverpool, but one look out into the lough, let alone the ...
We had taken refuge in Larne lough for the night. It was great of the boys from the East Antrim ...
Our 2019 cruise around Scotland started in Port Ellen on the isle of Islay which won our good ...
So it was time to say Goodbye Scotland for now, we will be back, we only scrapped the surface of ...
We had left Troon and we managed to sail across the Firth of Clyde to Arran and a town called ...
One of our subscribers was interested in how we mount our dinghy Salty Sausage to our stern so we ...
After we had left Largs we motored to Millport just three nautical miles from Largs. There we went ...
We were in Ardrishaig and Salty Lass needed a good clean. We also needed to stock up on food. the ...
We were moored up at the the North entrance to the Crinan canal. the basin at Crinan is a rather ...
After anchoring in Loch Drambuie, which according to Google maps is Droma Buidhe, no where near as ...
We were in Lochaline and I decided to investigate making a storm sail. I had bought a cheep shower ...
We were in Oban, the hub of the highlands and we were in Oban Marina, which was on the island of ...
After a much needed day in bed, it was time to move on. We planned to sail to Ardfern as it was ...
We were off once again and this time we were off to a little island called Gigha, there was ...
Ingredients: 1 diced chicken breast 1 small onion 3 carrots 1 parsnip 1 large leek or 2 ...
We were in Islay and the start of our Scottish adventures. We had stayed on the pontoons on the ...
We were feeling lazy, so rather than sail across to Rathlin Island, we took the ferry across. Even ...
We woke up quite late in Carrickfergus, or at least late for us as it was still well before nine ...
We were in Liverpool and we were ready to leave, but there is always loads to do. One of them was ...
We had a great laugh creating this pop video, the words can be found at ...
Even though I know more about electrics than any other boat related subject, it seemed to be the ...
When you are on the hard, there is a huge list of jobs that you want to do in the shortest time ...
Keel We were in the yard and there was a whole host of extra jobs to do. One of the jobs that ...
Of all the things that Beverley and I have discussed over the last few weeks, it is the state of ...
One of the things that Beverley really wanted was a new cooker. The only problem was finding one ...
From our last video which was Beverley and I adding Dyneema as our guard rails, we had been asked ...
Fixing a Traditional Coastal Dan Buoy Equipment – Empty 1350g Vanish OxiAction ...
There are several ways to splice dynemma and it is one of the simplest ropes to splice. ...
I met RNLI volunteer crewman Mark Greensmith while I was working as a temporary receptionist. ...
Here be giants The giants were in Liverpool so we went to see them along with our friend Karen. ...
Gas leaks The hunt for Gas continues, Beverley had just put in a new cylinder of gas and one ...
It was January and our heating system stopped working. Beverley took the heating system apart to ...
We were going to be staying in the marina throughout the winter, which only meant one thing we ...
One of the projects that was needing to be done was fix the binnacle caver. It had one or two rips ...
We were back in our slip, that means that it was time for boat projects. There was so many to do, ...
It was the Southport 24hour race and we had agreed to do the cooking. For the team leaders that ...
We are back in Liverpool, so it was time to decide what we want to do to convert Salty Lass from a ...
We were in at Port St Mary and I was so thankful to be tied up to the harbour wall. As we sorted ...
We had stayed overnight on a mooring buoy outside Peel harbour, so that we could leave on the ...
It was a very cold and wet day in Peel, so I decided to talk to the man cooking Queenies and other ...
We had met Arne the chairman of Isle of Man sailing for the disabled in Peel when we were bringing ...
Our time cruising was coming to a close, we had things to do in Liverpool, so it was time to start ...
B.O.A.T. stands for Bring Out Another Thousand, we didn't spend that much but we certainly did ...
We were moored in Ardglass, a little longer than we would of liked as there is very little to do ...
We were safely moored in Carlingford Marina, and Beverley took a walk into Carlingford, to pick up ...
How to make a three strand splice Step 1: Tape the ends Split and unravel a short length of ...
We were safely anchored in the Skerries when the weather took a turn for the worse and just closed ...
After spending the night in Howth, we were ready once again to set sail, and this time the wind ...
Howth Lifeboat had got us safely secured back in Howth Marina. So now at least we had options, we ...
We arrived in Howth quite late, so once we had secured Salty Lass and knew that she was safe, we ...
As we were moored up in Port Dinorwic, my mother and my brother took the opportunity to come visit ...
Beverley was wondering about the passage and worrying about the length of time it would take. So ...
We went around Conwy one last time and found a defibrillator in a phone box, which I thought was a ...
Sometimes it can take ages to get stuff sorted. We are still busy working and dealing with ...
Every time we come back to Liverpool, we update a little bit more of the yacht. On our way down ...
I am sure that this recipe has been around for ages, but I had recently bought a portion of ...
We had travelled down to Maldon in Essex, to see our friends boat, "The Nobby Empress". On the ...
Prudence had a dream. Her little boat was getting tattered and she wanted a bigger boat. She ...
We left Ramsey Pier at low tide and sailed across the Irish sea to Whitehaven. The sea was quite ...
Storm Hector had battered Salty Lass during the night, so much so that at one time she was healed ...
Getting about in the Isle of Man can be quite an experience as they have steam trains, horse drawn ...
Beverley and I were listening in on channel 12, as we had agreed to help with the lines of Pride ...
We had arrived in the Isle of Man just before the gates had dropped and we were moored up. That ...
Making the most of leftovers, is the best way to make the most out of life. We had made a rather ...
On Friday 8th June Liverpool Yacht Club, Tranmere Sailing Club and the Irish Sea Offshore Racing ...
On Monday 28th May, the tall ships left Liverpool, to sail to Dublin, on the start of the "Three ...
We have decided to change our blogs name to Sailing Yacht Salty Lass. When we started our channel ...
I met the skipper, Sam Jones of Adventure Wales and his crew Sharon Salisbury, first mate, Paul ...
On Thursday 24th May 2018, I became a Ships liaison officer. I had volunteered for the role in ...
Now that we had sorted out the anchor and the chain, we decided that we would go to a local ...
Our brand new shackle had arrived at the chandlers, so we picked it up and also collected a small ...
After sorting out the engine service on the Saturday, we still had two days of the weekend to ...
The last of the parts needed to complete the engine service had arrived during the week, so now ...
I have enjoyed Brunswick Stew on many occasions, but seeing as we were tied up in Brunswick Dock, ...
Whatever type of boat you have, there is a service schedule with regard to the engine. For a full ...
The length of time that your life raft need servicing depends on the age of your life raft. When ...
After finding a total of five fire extinguishers on board Salty Lass, I decided to get them all ...
For Beverley, one of the jobs that really needed to be done, was putting the name Salty Lass on ...
I feel very fortunate, as I always seam to get what I want, we had only been in Liverpool for an ...
Sometimes there is nothing wrong with using a packet to provide you with good nutritious food. I ...
Our friends Karen and Steve, arrived on the Friday and we all consulted the weather and the local ...
We had been away from Salty Lass for a few days as it was Easter and we had gone to my mothers ...
After our damsels in distress incident I took a walk around Portpatrick and I met the locals from ...
We had left Portpatrick in Scotland to sail to Peel in the Isle of Man. Even though the weather ...
We have only tied up to a harbour wall a few times and watched several locals come in, but this ...
We stayed in Stranraer for the day, following our disaster. We were just tired out and we needed ...
We travelled up to Troon on the Sunday, so that we were bright and early to catch the morning tide ...
You will need At least three bottles of good quality bubbly. Do not offend the gods with ...
We took ownership of our yacht on 14th March 2018, it had been a long journey to get our yacht but ...
In our experience, there are three ways to buy a boat. Buy brand new with all the mod cons, ...
