Rock 'n' roll

So it was time to say Goodbye Scotland for now, we will be back, we only scrapped the surface of what Scotland has to offer, there is so much more to see in Scotland, so we will have to come back sometime soon. We had looked at the weather radar and there was a really quite patch, it would mean motoring across, but we would rather that than face the North Channel with a strong wind. As we motored across we passed 600nautical miles and had a really nice bowl of chicken and mushroom curry. It tasted like nectar, but so many dishes do under passage.

We arrived safely in Glenarm, I was on the helm as we entered and everything went smoothly, which was great. So far, I am going the easy entrances, not much wind, somewhere I have been before. I still have loads to learn but I know that I will do my best, in true Brownie tradition. In Glenarm, there was a deal on where you paid for one night and got the second night free, so that was exactly what we did.

When we arrived, it was the 11th of July, which meant that there was a huge bonfire that night, which marks the start of the Annual holiday in Ireland for the 12th fortnight. In Northern Ireland loads of factories close for their annual holidays, which is why in Northern Ireland they only have one or two days off for half term, but they have a much longer holiday for the summer.

The next day we woke up to hear people marching as they did a quick march around before getting on the coach to get to the big event, which this year was going to be Larne.

While the band matched, I got on with some work until Lunch time, when Beverley cooked some rather tasty Chorizo sausage on toast.

After lunch we went for a walk and saw guillemots swimming under water, we also found a really nice café with a lovely view across Glenarm Bay. In the café, I had a proper brew with a little decanter to keep all the leaf tea in. On the way back to the Marina we came across an activity called the two minute litter pick, what a great idea for keeping the beeches clean. After our walk, I went back to the Lass to get some more work done while Beverley carried exploring finding the entrance to the tunnels where they mined for Lime, she also found an abandoned lime factory, which was where the bonfire had been raging the night before.

After we had explored what we could of Glenarm we sailed down the coast, we were expecting milder weather, but it turned out a little bit too rough for our liking so we ducked into Larne loch where the boys from the East Antrim boat club guided us onto one of their moorings, we got it for Free so that was really good.

The only downside of our mooring was that the car ferries run all night and they are very close to the mooring so we had roll of 10° caused by the wake of the car ferries. This meant that there was not much sleeping going on.