Prudence and friends live on Salty Lass and have their own fun and games, They all have a role to play on Salty Lass and they get into all sorts of trouble. They have their own plans, which they are not sharing with Beverley and Gaynor, but when they do, it has to be done immediately. They have their very own Facebook page prudence and friends and they post about some of their antics.
Prudence and Friends


Prudence is a plucky little boat penguin and will not let anything stand in her way. When she heard that Bones and Mr. Snuggles were going on a sailing adventure then she was determined to join them, there was only one problem, she needed a job. So she thought for a long time and became the channel mascot, that way she has a job to do and can get to join in on adventures.
What could be better?
She loves to play games and she creeps into one or two of our videos. She has even had a role in editing one or two. Apart from boats and adventure, her main passion is fish. Catching fish, preserving fish and cooking fish, so task one, learn how to catch fish.

Elly Jane was given to Gaynor from her old guide pack. She is quite shy, but she is becoming braver every day. She became friends with Prudence pretty much straight away and they are always plotting something. She became the ships confidant and keeps Prudence occupied, by listening to all her woes, which is mainly about boat keys and getting onto the chart table.
She is very keen on vegetables and fruits and loves food with these two ingredients in.
Chief Conway

Chief Conway was given to us by two of our subscribers in Conwy. The lady who gave him to us was starting a new career as a writer, so he decided that he would be the resident writer. Within his first week he helped to get the blog up-to-date, and to redesign the blog, so that it looked fresher. Currently he is helping Prudence write her first book, which is taking ages, but Prudence has a lot of determination and she will do it.

Harry is in fact a camping light, but his first job was that of a temporary anchor light, he had gone on to being a locker light and he likes to bring light wherever he can. He is a really handy guy to have around when you need him.

Bones is a door stop and as such he will guard a door for hours. As well as doors, he will also keep charts and other papers down and make sure that they do not fly away.

Terry is a terrier and was also given to us by the Dinghy section. His job is supposed to be that of security but he is easily distracted by smells. He loves to look out to sea, as long as he is sheltered under the spray hood
Mr. Snuggles

Mr. Snuggles is a hot water bottle and he works very hard when it is cold. The rest of the time he likes to sleep and dream.

Patch was given to us by the Dinghy Captain and his wife for all the hard work we did helping dinghies with various events, and just helping out in general. He became friends with Cheeky monkey straight away and he also likes to be mischievous if he can. His job on board is that of the purser, which means that he gets to look after all the money.
Cheeky Monkey

When jobs were being handed out, cheeky monkey seemed to of not listened to that rule, but he seams to of got on board anyway so he is now the cabin boy. He also likes getting into trouble so he will provoke Prudence on a regular basis.
He shares Elly's liking for veg but he also likes nuts and fruits.
Update - After 18months of lazing around on Salty Lass, Chief Conway found a job for Cheeky Monkey. He is in charge of our email newsletters as we use Mail chimp
Mr and Mrs Bug

If you have back ache then Mr and Mrs Bug are there for you. Mr Bug fits nicely either side of the spine and if you have issues there then he is your best friend, he also does a nice head massage if that is what you need. Mrs Bug on the other hand is just more versatile, she will do everything, arms, shoulders, the spine and the head. Sometimes she is called silver feet as that is the colour the talcum powder turns her feet. However when she does have silver feet, she doesn't do head massages, leaving that job to Mr Bug.
Mr D

Mr D is if course the chef on board, he cooks some delicious meals
Pink Bear and Blue Bear

These two have been around for years, they were won in Blackpool pleasure beach, and have seen lots of changes, they are like the fountain of knowledge for the crew, because although they are as new to sailing as the rest of the crew, what they do understand is people and that is an important skill to have.
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