All good things come to an end

We anchored in Ballyholme Bay for the night. It is amazing, how it only takes one step, for people to be able to go out of their comfort zone. I went into the bay initially, but I had been intending to anchor in Donaghadee sound, but with the wind coming from the south and the anchorage facing south then I knew that my intended anchorage would be untenable, so I could see sandy beaches of Ballyholme bay, a sure sign of sand on the sea bed, so I anchored there. Now Beverley sees that it as a great anchorage, so she was more than happy to anchor there rather than pay for Bangor Marina.

After a good nights rest we sailed across the lough to Carrickfergus. We did not sail in a straight line, in fact we sailed all over the place, because it was a chance for Karen to sail. One of the things that we did was cover the chart plotter, so that Karen would not get distracted and she could concentrate on the wind, the sails and the pleasure of sailing. Once in Carrickfergus, we borrowed Beverley's mums car so that Karen could explore the island and enjoy herself. We did film, but the footage was very similar to last weeks exploring of the Isle of Man, so Beverley skipped all that and she picked up our story in Bangor Marina.

When we arrived in Bangor, I was feeling unwell, so I took a COVID test to find out if I had COVID which I did, then Beverley took ill the next day, so our first two weeks in Bangor consisted of doing nothing much, as we kept away from everyone. Once we were both clear, we felt that we could do things, so we started with winding Salty Lass. We have a blog covering winding in detail, but I do think that it is a technique you should practice.

The first job that we did was look for holes in the floor of the dinghy, although it has been over three months now, that job has not moved any further forward, although the varnishing has. With just such a short episode Beverley did a short recap of the year and our 2022 season