Journey's End

We had planned to only stay in Rothesay for the one day, but Storm Ellen decided to come our way so we stayed for a few more days before sailing the Kyles of Bute.

Storm Ellen had decided to come our way and although we were just on the edges of the storm there was plenty of rain so we decided to stay in Rothesay until the storm passed. This meant that Karen and I went for a walk along the coast dodging showers along the way. This meant hanging out in some crazy places including some kind of water facility on the edge of the sea. Once we walked along the coast we followed a steep road up to some gardens which were unfortunately closed, apparently they were only open in the mornings and we tend to come out after lunch just so that I can have gluten free food. We decided to walk back via a woodland path which was really pretty.

When we got back we had to go to the Victorian toilets that don't look anything much from the outside, but inside the ceramics are just beautiful. The central urinal reminded me of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, but that's just me.

The next day, the storm was over so it was time to leave, it was my turn of the departure and my stomach was in knots, but a challenge is a challenge, so it was what I needed to do. I just need to believe that Salty Lass will turn and to make sure that I have enough rudder authority. In the end it was fine and once I had managed to turn Salty Lass so that she was going forward, getting out of Rothesay marina was pretty easy after that. Once out, it was clear that we would be sailing so we got the sails up pretty quick so that we could turn the engine off. One of the things I noticed as I was sailing to wind was just how much I had improved, on keeping Salty Lass on that course, looking at the sail and adjusting the course we were steering so that the sail was remaining loose in the track. It was great to get the sails up and steer a course for the Kyles of Bute.

I was on the helm for a good bit but when the tea arrived, Beverley drank her tea and we swapped on the helm so that I could have my tea, It was interesting sailing the East Kyle as we had to tack quite a bit. Also the wind shifted a lot as the sides of the Kyle eddied the wind, so Beverley and I were both looking at the wind on the water, keeping an eye on the depth, watching other vessels and obeying the collision regulations. There was a lot to do, but eventually the wind died and we reluctantly put on the motor. To be honest we would of needed to be on motor for the Burnt islands as the passage between them was so small. In the other side of the Burnt island we motored to Tighnabruaich where we managed to pick up a free mooring ball. We contacted the owner of the mooring ball, but they let us have it for Free which was a great deal in my book.

The next day, there was no wind what so ever, and Karen had made a decision to go home. So we decided to use the motor and head towards Troon where she would be able to catch a train back to sunny Liverpool. Although the passage was quite boring from a sailing point of view, there was lots to see with fellow yachts, seals on an island called Inchmarnock, a paddle steamer called the Waverley, along with two small cruisers, The Glen Etrive and the Glen Shiel.

The next day, Karen had to leave, but it was great just seeing her and we are so glad that she enjoyed her holiday on Salty Lass.
