Salty Lass Review - Year 1 - 2018 -2019

Salty Lass Review - Year 1

This review covers from just before buying Salty Lass to March 2019. You can click on the pictire to download the review or you can click here.

Before the Lass


  • Damsels in Distress - Our third sail on Salty Lass and we were given assistance by the RNLI
  • Fire regulations - We had loads of fire extinguishers on board Salty Lass, so we set out to find out if they were still useful and what are the correct regulations
  • Brunswick Stew - A great dish that works particularly well as passage food
  • Challenge Wales - A great charity looking to help the environment and vulnerable people and proud sponsor of a boat called Adventure Wales
  • Sailing for the disabled - A great charity helping people to sail in the Isle of Man
  • Rule of 12ths - A quick guide on how to use the rule of twelfths to avoid running aground
  • Tieing up to a Harbour Wall - Some of the pointers for tying up to a harbour wall


  • RNLI Visit - Visit to the RNLI station in New Brighton