Beverley and Gaynor

Beverley and Gaynor

Beverley and Gaynor have been friends since they met on their year out in 1984. Lots of stuff happened, but at the start of 2012, they were both at a party, where the host asked Beverley,

"If you had £1 million, what would you do?"

To which Beverley replied,

"Buy a boat and go off over the horizon"

She was reading Patrick O'Brian at the time. The very next day, she looked at just how much a boat would cost and she realised that she did not need £1 million, in fact she could go off on what she had. So, that year, she asked Gaynor if she would like to come on a Competent Crew course in Wales. They both loved it, so much so they charted the yacht the next year so that both Gaynor and Beverley, could complete the Day Skipper Course, and Gaynor's two children along with one of the children's friends could get their Competent Crew certificates.

After that they joined Liverpool Yacht Club and got lots of experience in larger yachts and on dinghies. Beverley became the clubs Treasurer while Gaynor became the PR officer.

Then in June 2017, Gaynor and Beverley, decided they were ready to sell everything and start towards the dream. The dream, became a reality in March 2018, with the purchase of Salty Lass.



Both Gaynor and Beverley take it in turn to be captain, but each have their strengths and weaknesses and Beverley's strength is not to panic in a tricky situation, which is why Beverley tends to get the really tricky stuff like harbours and marinas. Her other strength is her understanding of complex forces, the tide and the wind are all acting on Salty Lass and she is able to understand how these will all affect their course.

Her other main passion is cooking, at the moment she has about 100 recipes that she can do, but she is always interested in trying out new recipes and ingredients.



Gaynor's strengths are a willingness to learn and to experiment. This means that there are lots of new skills that are needed to be able to live and travel on a sail boat, and she is willing to tackle them. She has a brass neck that allows her to ask for stuff and usually she gets what she wants, but equally she is fine with the word No as it is simple.

Gaynor is also interested in stuff, sailing, eating Beverley's cooking, science, writing, people and the young. As one of the many dedicated guide leaders from around the world, Gaynor loves to work with kids.