Cheats Banoffee Pie

I am sure that this recipe has been around for ages, but I had recently bought a portion of Jeffersons rum butter in Whitehaven and the idea of making a biscuit base, with the rum butter, was very apealling.

You will need

  • Gluton Free Digestive Biscuits
  • Butter
  • Bananas
  • Butterscotch angel delight or other similar product
  • Milk
Line the baseof your serving tin with biscuits. You need to just line the base with not too many gaps and no more. Put the biscuits into a clean plactic bad and crush with a rollong pin.
Melt the butter on a low heat, so that you do not burn the butter and add the crushed biscuits. You need enough butter to make a firm base. I will come back to this once I have perfected the proportions, but mine was too dry, so I will work on this.
Press the biscuits into your serving dish with the back of a spoon, then add a layer of bananas.
Make the Angel delight up as instructed and pour over the top. Decorate with either whipped cream, leftover biscuit base, or whatever takes your fancy. Not sprinkles as some of them have whear flour in then, although more manufactures are now using rice flour, so always read the lables
Make it special
I used Jeffersons Rum butter to make the base extra scrumptioos