Springtime in Scotland

We were in Oban, the hub of the highlands and we were in Oban Marina, which was on the island of Kerrera, so to go anywhere you had to travel by water taxi. Once I had had a much needed shower, it was to see about my arm. I had, had an issue with my arm in Tayvallich, where I had needed a rest and recuperation day. Since then, I was still having issues with my right arm. Basically I was having pins and needles down my right arm, all the time. I looked on line and there was no walk in clinic in Oban, but there was an accident and emergency hospital, and although it was not the best place to go for such a minor issue, it was the only place that was available, so I walked there while Beverley got on with the shopping.

At the hospital I was diagnosed with a trapped nerve, so I was given some exercises to do and recommended to visit the local massager. This I got organised for a few days later and it was not what I was expecting at all. The words neck massage to me just is that, the neck, this was a full back massage and was really good. I was a little wobbly for the rest of the day, but is something that I will have to schedule as I go around. Fixing a trapped nerve is not an easy fix. It got me thinking more about health and health issues and why on a boat, you have to think more about your health, you relly on each other so much that it is a safety of the crew issue.

One of the other things that we wanted to do, was explore Oban, so we went to see the collusium, which dominates the Oban skyline. Another place we walked to was Dunolie castle which is just along the point. Walking is such a good way to explore, because you seem to appreciate things more. Once we had explored Oban, it was time to leave, but the weather turned really bad and we needed to stay for longer. It did allow me to to work, so although I prefer not to work, it is necessary so that we can earn money as we go.

After Oban, we went to Dunstaffnage Marina, which gave Beverley enough time to fix the fairlead that had got broken in Islay. One bolt was sheared off, while the other two were bent. Beverley had to drill the rest of the sheared bolt out and she drilled in and around the other bolts so that she could fill it with epoxy. She then used Marine Flex to help her secure the fairlead as she wanted to have the adhesive properties that Marine flex gave her. She got it fixed, then we just did a little bunny hop to Loch Aline, where it pored for two days and we just rested up on the Lass.
