RNLI - Heros who save lives at sea

I met RNLI volunteer crewman Mark Greensmith while I was working as a temporary receptionist. While he was waiting for his appointment I chatted to him about his work and more importantly his volunteer role. While we were chatting he invited Beverley and I down to the station so that we could see behind the scenes. I thought that this was a good idea, so I asked if the invitation could be extended to the other members of Liverpool Yacht club. He said he could put me in touch with the public liasison officer so this is what he did and soon a visit was arranged.

On the day of the visit, we arrived at 10:00am. There was seven of us in total and the RNLI spokesman told us all about the station and the types of rescues that they get involved in. What with the River Mersey and Liverpool Bay, the station is quite busy. Once we had watched a short video we toured the station, stopping off at the kit room, where I tried on the drysuit. It is quite a cumbersome piece of clothing, but it is so necessary as the crewmen and women have to go out in all weathers. Once I had put on the suit, I put on the life jacket which is not auto inflate like the ones we have on Salty Lass, as these can go off because of the action of the rib. Once I was fully togged up we got into the rib. Getting into the rib itself was so difficult in all the gear and I made quite a few people chuckle as I finally got into the rib. I sat down in the communications officer place, so I was shown some of the equipment that was at hand to that volunteer.

The process that the crew have to do to set off was explained and I think that it is marvellous just how quick that the volunteers can respond in an emergency. The equipment was explained too and there are so many good ideas crammed onto the rib. I was surprised that there was no boat hook, but there was lots of other pieces of equipment, that the crew was fully equipped for whatever emergency that they would encounter.

After we were shown the rib, I stripped out of the dry suit, then had a go on the swivel chair in the tractor. Its marvellous that the tractor has duel controls, again another great idea.

We had a great time and we raised £30 for our Damsels in distress campaign.