Man Overboard! Sorted??

We have three weeks left on our contract so we are buckling down and sorting out all the wee jobs that need to be done so that we are ready to go off. Some of these jobs are tiny like making sure that we have plenty of gas, while others are taking a wee bit longer.

The project that I was sorting out was a man overboard sling, the design of which is in a blog called sling design. The main parts of my design was a central section that formed a ladder and two side triangles which I filled with cargo net. I then rolled the whole thing in a piece of cloth that I had and made a bag for it. We unfortunately could not test it out in the marina so we used our fender called Wilson, and it did a great job of rolling him aboard.

While I was making our man overboard sling, Beverley was sorting out a lot of other things like a Ko-fi account, we had set it up ages ago but we had never used it, well now somebody wanted to send us money, so we received some money for the first time which was very nice.

Another task that she did was put new bungee cords onto our bow fender, they had stretched and the Ultra violet had wrecked them, so that was a wee job that she did. it was quite funny when she came back from fitting the bow fender in that I had my man overboard sling pinned up in the main cabin. The main cabin however was not the best place to sort out my sling, so we went to the toilets and its big flat floor.

In addition to making the sling I also made a bag for the sling so that the sling would not tangle up.