
Learning to navigate, is an important skill to learn. We have had to navigate through some tricky channels, as well as learning to navigate passages. We have brought some of these skills into our videos so that others can learn, mainly from our mistakes.

Watch our "Will she have the nerve to do it" video and add comments

Will she have the nerve to do it

A re-edited version of our early sails We were in Liverpool and it was time to go sailing, so our first task was to hoist the dingy into it's sling on the back of Salty Lass. Next was all the...
Watch our "How to prepare for sailing at night" video and add comments

How to prepare for sailing at night

We managed to have a nice day, so Beverley flew the drone. The drone really gives a sense of place, where we are, with views across the Irish sea yo Scotland just on the horizon. So with the weather...
Watch our "Passage Failure!" video and add comments

Passage Failure!

While we were in Caernarfon we saw my brother and met a really nice guy who donated some money into our Ko-fi account. It was good to feel appreciated for the videos that we put out and the work...
Watch our "It's supposed to be warmer if you go south" video and add comments

It's supposed to be warmer if you go south

Our around Ireland adventures had begun, we had finally gone around the corner of Belfast Lough and we were motor sailing down the Ards peninsula. I had already changed into my Mullions and I was...
Watch our "How to spring your boat off a pontoon" video and add comments

How to spring your boat off a pontoon

I know I am biased, but I will be honest, I really like this video. It was sunny, we got the drone up and took some great footage of the marina, we had a plan and it all came together. Springing...
Watch our "Why do we need to know anything about tides?" video and add comments

Why do we need to know anything about tides?

It was the 31st of December and I was doing the washing so I had a huge pile on deck. Beverley was very cheeky and asked what my favourite laundry moment of 2021 was, to which I had to reply, Cuan...
Watch our "More hard lessons" video and add comment

More Hard Lessons

On Sunday the beast from the East was raging so Beverley and I went out for a walk, just to create the introduction to this weeks video, as our odyssey into the past continues with more hard...
Watch our "Hard Lessons" video and add comments etc.

Hard Lessons

Well it has been particularly cold, wet and miserable down at the marina, so seeing as most of the jobs that we need to complete are outside we decide to share our hardest lessons. So we...
Watch our "Rookie mistakes" and add comments etc.

Rookie mistakes

Well we were sailing to Strangford Lough, a place that I had wanted to go for ages, but because we were so rusty, we made loads of Rookie mistakes We were at last out of Carrickfergus on the...
Watch our "Dealing with deviation" and add comments etc.

Dealing with deviation

I was back on the Lass and there was so much we wanted to do. We wanted to get prepared for leaving, there was passage plans to finalise. We wanted to complete our deviation chart and on top of that...