Engine Troubles

We had hoped to sail with Karen back to Liverpool, but one look out into the lough, let alone the Irish Sea told us that we were not going anywhere. However Belfast Lough is a great place to sail, fairly sheltered with only a few knots of tide, also if you are going across the lough then the tide does not affect you much. As there was no deal in Carrickfergus, we had decided to sail over to Bangor, not that you could tell as there was thick fog in the lough and all you could see was a fuzzy outline of the land. We had been having engine trouble and despite several tries we did not get her showing the issue on camera.

Once we had sailed across to Bangor, we had bangers and mash in Bangor, it seemed appropriate really. After tea, we planned our move to get out of Belfast lough and into the Irish sea. The next day however, the winds started to increase and there was white caps in the bay. As it was windy, we took the opportunity to explore Bangor and walk along the coast. There are quite a few good walks in and around Bangor, because it decided to blow a hooley for a few days really. So the walks are in and around the town, along the coast path to Ballyholne Bay and a really nice walk towards Helen Bay, which is shown in our Blog.

As there was three people on board, all going to the loo at night, we had to use our pump out facility for the very first time. It might not be very exciting but it was good to test out that particular system. We had put in the pump out facility for when we are in the Mediterranean, which we will get to eventually.

As it was still windy out in the Irish Sea, we decided to sail to Abercorn Basin in Belfast. As we were sailing we were a little over pressed for sail, so putting the engine on so that we could sort out the sails would of been a good idea, but of course I was not filming and the engine would not start. We have identified the issue as being the battery, so Beverley jump started the battery from the house Battery. It started straight away which was good news. As we continued to sail down Belfast Lough we kept the engine on in tick over mode so that if we needed the engine it was there. Beverley and I took the helm in shifts, but we couldn't persuade Karen to helm, so she was on the sheets. As the wind was coming straight up the lough we had to tack quite a bit which was all good practice for our friend Karen, who despite having a part share in a boat, hardly gets to sail as it has been on the hard for two years. As we got into the narrow channel at the end of the lough we put the sails down, and motored in just outside of the channel, leaving the channel free for the big boys of which there were quite a few.

After we got into Belfast, we decided that the best thing to do was paint the town red, so we went to a rum bar where I had some rather nice Irish cider called Tempted, we also had a Majito cocktail which was really interesting. Later we went to a little bar where there was music playing, so we danced the night away.

The next day while Karen went and looked around Belfast, Beverley and I finally got to sorting out the starter battery, We had bought a new battery in Bangor, but with one thing and another, we had not got around to fitting it, but at least we had a battery to hand. So Beverley and I sorted out the battery, while we are doing jobs like this sometimes I feel like a surgeons mate as Beverley hands out edicts for sandpaper, clamps etc. Of course once I had said that Beverley got me to film a little clip where she took that theme and messed about with it. If Beverley can have a laugh she will.