5. Responsibilities of skipper

Responsibilities of skipper

A skipper is responsible for

  • Can skipper a yacht and manage the crew
  • Communication with crew
  • Delegation of responsibility and watch-keeping organisation
  • Preparing yacht for sea and for adverse weather
  • Tactics for heavy weather and restricted visibility
  • Emergency and distress situations
  • Victualling for a cruise and feeding at sea
  • Customs procedures
  • Standards of behaviour and courtesy


Videos and Stories

Watch our "Heaving to" video and add comments etc

Heaving To

Heaving to is a great way of stoping your boat in its tracks. One of the channels that we watch mentioned that he used the method for reefing his sails, so we decided to use one of our training days...
Watch our "Storm sailing preparation" and add comments etc.

Prepare for the worst

One of the items in the Yachtmaster syllabus is "Preparing yacht for sea and for adverse weather" so Beverley and I decided to chat about that and how we always prepare Salty Lass for storms even...