Weather bound in Conwy

We were weather bound in Conwy, so we took the opportunity to go for long walks along the beach, we find out about feeder crabs, stormy weather and when it is wise to turn back.

While we were in Conwy, we took the opportunity to go on long walks, on one such walk I came across a man collecting feeder crabs, which he was going to use as bait for fishing. He had covered the beach in posts and gutter pipeing which the crabs would shelter behind. He would then come along with his bucket, move the posts or guttering pipes and collect the crabs in his bucket.

In another walk we meet up with some friends, and walked along the beech at low water. When we looked at the river we were fascinated by the perch which was absolutely massive, while when the river is at high tide, the same perch looks like an insignificant piece of metal. We also looked at the buoys at low water, the green buoy was resting on the sand while the red buoy was not far off being on the sand. We continued walking along the beech and when we got to some blackberry bushes we guzzled them, before heading back to the Marina and a meal in the local pub.

On another day, we looked at how the tide around Conwy affected the water in the Maria. At low tide, the posts that the marina is stabilised by is such a long way above my head, while at high tide I can just about touch the top of the posts. We also looked at the river in full flood and watched the locals get a boat out of the river, which they managed to do after the forth time.

At last there was a break in the weather so Beverley and I decided to leave Conwy and continue on our adventures, but although the weather was calm in the marina, it was far from calm out on the river. We had strong tidal flow, strong winds and waves that were just a little bit too much for our liking. So we turned back and returned to the slip that we had just vacated. We do like to go out, but we need to be safe and sensible.

The next two days were no better, with strong winds and plenty of white caps out in the channel, Beverley and I laughed as she called me a chicken, all I said was

"You can call me a chicken if you want to, but I'm staying put"

After our walk along the beech we looked in the local chandlers and I looked at the Yacht master syllabus and what was involved. While reading the book, I realised that I already had it, from when I had completed my competent crew course. I did however buy a book on the weather.

The next day the weather was still poor, so I asked my bother and mother to come over for the day. To get an idea of what my mother is like, then you really need to see the video, but she is the way she is and despite her prickly exterior, I still love her.

Seeing as the weather was still bad, we decided to do some other stuff, so while Beverley filled the water tanks I looked at was the logger which was not working. When I looked at it there was some kind if growth stuck to the logger, but I soon cleaned it with a tooth brush.

The next day, there was at last a break in the weather, so that we could at last leave Conwy.