How not to protect your lines

Well our last three videos have been about different stuff just so that we could avoid the weather, but it is part of boat life and how we are living, so in this episode we really tell you what it is like to live through a storm, or should I say the beast from the east.

When I can, I like to go walking, short walks admittedly but it is nice to get off Salty Lass for a while and just get outside. Well my walks recently have been crazy, go anywhere near the sea and you get soaked. However it is great for getting your cobwebs blown away. On one of our walks we filmed intros and mine got used this week. I have to say the one thing that really comes across is the amazing audio we achieved. The crazy thing about the audio is that we managed that on a minimal spend. One phone in a coat pocket, attached to a mini microphone, while the footage was taken with the tough camera. It was too wet for a phone, but our tough camera is not all that expensive. Any way the message of my intro was that I wanted to live a life less ordinary and with Salty Lass I do have that.

We knew a big storm was coming so we looked at our chafe preventers and they had a few holes, so it was time to make new ones and seeing as I had some spare acrylic canvas on board, I used that.

Chafe preventers

  • Velcro - I bought Velcro with better glue this year. In the end that good glue was a curse, because you still need to stitch the Velcro on and all that happened was that the glue stuck to my needle
  • Material - We decided to use the acrylic canvas because it is a tough material. It melted and worse than that it did not stop the squeak. We think the rope moved inside the tube which basically started the friction burn, in the end a pair of Beverley's jeans were cut down to make her a pair of shorts and new chafe protectors.
  • Other issues - One of our lines was damaged, so that had to be replaced. In the end the acrylic canvas didn't last one storm while at least the denim lasted a year.


  • We have at last got some You tube earnings so we bought a de-humidifier, happy days

After the storm was over

After the storm, we looked at various bits of damage and there was all sorts of stuff going on

  • Large trees were washed into the marina
  • One boat got damaged, so it was patched up with gaffer tape, so that the boat was safe until the owner could turn up
  • Some solar panels were ripped off a frame, but the owners were on board to rescue them.
  • We replaced our wrecked line with our anchor rode which we have never used