Night with Creo

Matt and Emma from Creo

Beverley and I were listening in on channel 12, as we had agreed to help with the lines of Pride of Mann III when they came in, when we heard Matt from Creo wishing to come in. Beverley and I laughed as we had wanted to travel up to Fleetwood where they were based, but with one thing and another it had not happened, so now they were turning up at our door.

Beverley and I split the chores, with Beverley going to help the lines for Creo, while I went for the lines of Pride of Mann III. I have to say I was deeply impressed with the way the crew of Pride of Mann III turned the yacht, as they had very little space to manouvre the yacht, but with the help of bow thrusters the job was soon done and they were safely moored.

After Pride of Mann III, was safely moored I returned to Salty Lass where I found Beverley talking to Matt and Emma, from Creo. So I nipped on board and picked up a bottle of Prosecco, always a welcome gift, and certainly a great way to break the ice. They gladly accepted the gift and we agreed to come over to their Warrior 38, the next day for tea.

Tea time the next day soon arrived with Beverley and I just making it after a day out to Ramsey. We bought along a some gluton free garlic bread and a bottle of red wine with us so the night was set to be a cracker.

Emma made a really nice chilli from fresh and had loads of little extras like cheese and halapino peppers. While we ate, we drank the Prosecco and wine, so the conversation was free flowing and covered a wide range of subjects, like You tube, fellow You tubers, work, boats and the weather. Once the main was eaten, we moved to Salty Lass where we had Eaton Mess for pudding and coffee.

We were all so relaxed and we were set for a long night of chewing the fat, but storm Hector had other ideas and started to sway the yacht. With that all we could think of was checking the lines, so the party broke up and they returned to their yacht to make sure she was secured correctly.