No water under the keel

We stayed in Stranraer for the day, following our disaster. We were just tired out and we needed to recharge our batteries. I managed to go for a walk in the afternoon discovering a museum and an old keep along the way. In the museum there was one part on education where I felt very old as the equipment that they had on display, looked exactly like equipment that I had used as a child. They even had some blocks and children today are still using them, so rather than reflect upon my age, I decided to revel in the durability of the toys them selves. When I am feeling down it can be difficult to find the twist that can turn your feelings, but it is something that I try and do and each time I do it, it gets easier. It is an insight that I would love to share, but it is not something that comes across in videos, so it is left to these words.

As I walked around the town, there was lots of bits that I really wanted to buy, but I had come out without my handbag, which was a good thing really otherwise I would of bought a wine holder that had been shaped into a motorbike. Trust me on this, although I thought it looked cool in a steam punk kind of way, there is nowhere on the yacht that it could go. I need to be able to have more art on board, but in a way that fits.

We reviewed our plans and the weather looked reasonable, so we decided that we would brave the next step and go to Portpatrick, the next day. Stranraer and Portpatrick are only 20minutes away from each other by car, but by boat it is about five hours. Two hours to go up the lock, one hour across the top, then a further two hours down.

On the way out of the lock, we looked for our lost dinghy, but there was no sign, we expect that the wind had blown it out to sea. This was one of the reasons why we had decided to call the coast guard the previous day, so that they were aware that there was a lost dingy in the vicinity, but there was no stranded sailors as well.

Once out of the lock we did manage to put the sails up, but we decided that we would motor sail, we still have got lots to learn with regard to our sails, but everyday they are up, we learn a bit more.



Soon we were approaching Portpatrick which is a tricky little harbour, as the entrance is quite narrow and very rocky. Once in the harbour, we were grateful that the harbour master was there to advice us and help with the ropes as this was the very first time that we had tied up to a harbour wall. As always when you are doing something for the first time, we got it wrong, but as always we learned a lot, which is why I have written a small piece on tying up to a harbour wall.

Once secured to the wall in Portpatrick, we noticed the depth meter and realised that it was reading zero, very spooky and a little concerning, but we were assured by the harbour master that we were alright.

Now that we were at the bottom of the harbour wall, it was at this time that we thought of gas and realised that the spare gas bottle in the port locker was in fact empty. So I climbed the ladder, to get information from the locals. As you can imagine, I found the locals in the pub, which was the Crown Hotel and they told me that I could find gas at the local campsite, so I had to get the old gas canister and take it by taxi to the local camp site. Unfortunately they only had 6kg of gas so it was back to Salty Lass empty handed.