We are going to Dublin

Howth Lifeboat had got us safely secured back in Howth Marina. So now at least we had options, we could use the service of the local yard and have a lift and hold, but we could also employ the services of the local diver, who has been working at Howth for several years.

The diver was available, so we opted for him. He came with a massive dive suit that had weights in as part of the suit. On top of the weights he had a dual tank plus his equipment. The diver was in his seventies and I was wincing as he gaily moved weights that are a lot heavier than our anchor about. I would be struggling to lift his gear and I would need help to get it on, but he seamed to make it look easy. You could see that it was heavy, but he managed it so well. Once he was all kitted up, he just jumped off the pontoon. So much confidence and clearly a man that knows what he is doing.

Once he had jumped in he managed to remove most of the line quite quickly. but he was struggling with a piece of rope that was no longer than 20cm. Eventually he did managed to remove the line, so he then went to the ramp where he walked out backwards so that he could keep his balance. Once he had got out of the diving suit, he came aboard where he told us lots of great stories which kept us entertained, as we had a nice cup of tea. By the time, he left it was still only 10 o'clock in the morning. We had just been a busy morning, watching the sun come up as we were towed into harbour, then have Gary the diver sort out our issue, he even gave our bottom a quick once over. We have a few barnacles growing on her bottom, so no surprise there.


The day looked like it was not going to be great for sailing and the only job that we fancied tackling was changing the gas cylinder, which was a job easily done, so once Beverley had sorted out that minor task, we set off to the local train station, to take a trip to Dublin.

There was lots to see in Dublin. We picked up a map of the city from a local gift shop, which had lots of edibles where Whiskey was the main ingredient. As we walked around the city, the spike dominated the skyline. It is actually called The Spire of Dublin and is 120 metres tall. It is suposed to bring art and technology together, but in reality it brings people together as it is now a meeting place for groups, so there was quite a large selection of people waiting at its base, for their friends or family. It ceratinly was where Beverley and I agreed to meet, if we got separated.

Just by the Spire is the Post Office where the Easter up rising began and the columns just outside the post office still show evidence of the bullet holes. Also in O'Connel street, near the Liffey, is a large statue of Daniel O'Connel, who was was responsible for repealing the Act of Union.

Just walking around the city there is so much to look at. I loved the flowers that were all around on the outside of pubs, while Beverley was amazed at the number of bottle tops that were wedged between the paving stones.

We came across Dublin castle which is quite modern as castles go, but was built on the fondation of a castle built by King John, the enemy of Robin Hood.

A bit further down the road, we came to Trinity college, where they house the Book of Kells, along with the original plans for the death star. In the science museum, we found some art which had been created on a windy day, which Beverley and I both found fascinating.

It was a lovely day and we really enjoyed our walk around the city.