It takes more than weather to stop us

In what can only be described as a marathon edit, Beverley produced this weeks episode which is our review of 2021. In that time we have sampled all sorts of weather including the beast from the east, wonderful calm days and just general UK weather. Throughout the year we have tried to produce episodes every week, sometimes of projects, sometimes of sailing and sometimes talks, so picking out just a few minutes of each month was really hard, especially as she just had the one day to do it in as we have had guests the rest of the time, so I say hats off to Beverley and I think we all should thank her for her hard work, my task which is this web site is a diddle in comparison.

To start the video off Beverley wanted to thank all the people who are supporting us with our adventures

With all the thanks out of the way it is time to watch our review
  • January - Putting in the windows was really important to us. It meant that we went from windows that opened to solid windows, but it meant that we could see and for us that was fantastic
  • February - The Beast from the East made living aboard quite a challenge which is why our cooker was gimbled and we had spray coming over the sea wall resulting in Beverley getting soaked
  • March - We tried a variety of remote methods to clean our hull, with various levels of success. We found a rough cloth worked the best. I also cleaned our sail bag and put in a hole for our third reefing line
  • April - We were at last allowed out of the marina and it was sunny, so we finally went out sailing, we also tried out our third reefing which works so much better now
  • May - This was our failure at Fair Head as we had got the tide completely wrong and we were pushed back, so we changed track and went across the North Channel and into the Firth of Clyde, there we checked out some free moorings at the Kames Hotel and Millport, where we had a lee shore, so we had to keep the motor on during the short lived storm
  • June - Saw us on an journey from Scotland all the way over to Liverpool, seeing a gannet colony on the Ailsa Craig, Jet skis in the Menai straights and an awful amount of work in Liverpool. The amount of sealants we went through as we did sea cocks and toe rails was impressive, but at least it is done now.
  • July - Saw us on a free mooing in the Menai straights, where we met up with a load of our friends from Liverpool and had a well deserved rest. It was also where we decided to change our minds and rather than go down south, we would go to Scotland
  • August - In August we met up with our friend Karen, so we went wild swimming as well as visited some fantastic places and had a few challenging sails as we went over to South Uist and Barra
  • September - Our fantastic dolphin sighting as well as our Atlantic Crossing(Not Shown)
  • October - We pull the windlass and service it from top to bottom. Hard job which was well worth doing
  • November - We change the way our charger works. A really simple job, one of the simplest we have ever done, but such good results
  • December - In December, it was Christmas and I received a mallet along with some bendy bits, great days