
We have meet some interesting people along the way, some famous, some not so famous, but they all have interesting stories to tell.

Watch our "Help! I am being hunted down" video and add comments

Help! I am being hunted down

We had got out of the yard which meant that we needed to put the sails back up. While we had the sails down we used the opportunity to service in and around the sails, for example the foresail was...
Watch our "Battery failure, but the sail was nice" video and add comments

Battery failure, but the sail was nice

We left Malahide to anchor just off Ireland's eye. The weather was beautiful and it was fantastic sailing weather. I left Beverley on the helm because the last time she was on the helm, she received...
Watch our "Take a swim on the wild side" video and add comments

Take a swim on the wild side

After picking up Karen we motored over to Loch Aline, last time we were there we had not even got off Salty Lass because it was just constant wind and rain. With Karen aboard, we wanted to rectify...
Watch our "Making Progress" video and add comments etc.

Making Progress

A different day in Scotland and the weather was completely different. The day before we had too much wind, while on this day we had too little and what we did have was bang on our nose, so we...
Watch our "Live from Carrickfergus" video and add comments etc.

Live from Carrickfergus

Well this was just a little bit of an experiment, as we tried out our first live stream, we just had a few people on when we were live but it was enough for us to handle. For us the experiment was...
Watch our "12 months in 12 minutes" video and add comments etc

12 months in 12 minutes

We are having a break from vlogging every week, so this week we put together a summary video which hi-lights some of our adventures from the year. Please note: The links to our own web site stay on...
Watch our "Chill pill" video and add comments etc.

What was that bang hiss noise

We were at Lamlash and our plan was to sail over to Troon to pick up some guests, namely my daughter Gemma and her partner Harry. We were in Lamlash and although the mooring had started out fine,...
Watch our 'Drunken Sailor' episode and leave comments etc.

What shall we do with a drunken sailor

We had come to Belfast lough for the winter. There are some great marinas in the lough and we choose Bangor, as the town has some great facilities all within walking distance of the marina. The...
Watch our 'Sailing Northern Ireland' video and add comments etc.

Sailing Northern Ireland

Summary on all the great journeys that we have done around Northern Ireland, Carrickfergus to Portrush, Glenarm and around Belfast Lough and Ardglass to Bangor. We sat down to do our Sailing...
Watch our 'Weather bound in Conwy' video and add comments etc.

Weather bound in Conwy

We were weather bound in Conwy, so we took the opportunity to go for long walks along the beach, we find out about feeder crabs, stormy weather and when it is wise to turn back. While we were...