Liv'n the dream

After we had left Largs we motored to Millport just three nautical miles from Largs. There we went onto a mooring which was rated at 15tonnes and cost only £10 for the night. We came in at low tide, which in hindsight was a good idea as there was quite a few rocks that protected the mooring from the swell. One of the rocks we christened seal island because the seals sat on it and sang, although when I videoed them they were mainly complaining that their island was disappearing.

When we were in Largs, one of the things we bought was some more dry matting as we had discovered that we had not thought about the sides of the bed. So what we did was move the mat from one side of the bed to the other, put a new piece in at the bottom of the bed that went up the sides at the bottom. We then cut a new piece for the sides. The great thing about dry mat is that you can put it together with cable ties. When the job was done it was just a case of putting the bed back together.

After we had lunch it was time to explore Millport and see what we could see. In Millport we found Britain's narrowest house at just one door wide at the front. We also found the cathedral of the isles which is Britain's smallest cathedral, but most important of all we found a traditional sweet shop where Beverley couldn't resist and bought herself some sweets.

While we were in Millport I reflected on the life of a cruiser and how your days can be very different from one another. For example yesterday we were at Largs, today we are at Millport and tomorrow we will be sailing again, this time to Troon, where we had bought Salty Lass over a year ago.

The sail down to Troon was fantastic with just one gybe and that was all. I decided to be on the helm as we came in and I did alright. When it comes to harbours my confidence is getting better every time I try a new technique. Still have lots to do and lots to learn but I am getting there slowly.

The next day we had arranged to meet two of our subscribers and while we waited, we saw a rather large vessel ground in the entrance. It was on a rising tide so it managed to get off the bottom, but it very wisely decided to go back to its slip and wait for another hour before it tried to leave again.

Our two subscriber have their own you tube channel called Liv'n the dream, where they review rather expensive holidays and plane journeys and stuff like that. So one of the things that I wanted to know was, What is Liv'n the dream. Greame said it was whatever people wanted and he asked me if I was Liv'n the dream. I wasn't sure about that but we are certainly enjoying our life and exploring new places. I am not earning a lot at the moment but I'm sure it will come in time.

We spent another day in Troon, getting some computer work done before heading out once more into the Clyde loch. It was a rather dull day but we easily got the sails up for the short sail over to Lamlash.