Anchor drag? Why we don't care!

While we were at anchor, Beverley chatted about the various controversies that there are on You Tube. For Beverley they seem to be about

  • You need a larger anchor - More anchor then more weight to keep your boat down. This may be true, but you need to make sure that your boat can handle the load. Be it electricity, to power the windlass. Chain to go with the anchor as they need to be married, and an item that many people fail to think about, physical strength when things go wrong. If your windlass breaks for some reason, can you lift your anchor
  • You need larger chain - This really needs to be married to your windlass, there is no point having large chain, if your windlass can not cope with it. Once you think about anchoring systems then so many factors mesh into one another, so that if you change just one thing then the whole system might need to be changed.

However when you think about it, the whole boat is attached to anchor chain via a small snubber line and that is just as important part of the system, Since we filmed this episode I have looked at the breaking strain of nylon rope, what we have on our snubber and it is 14mm thick which means that it has a breaking strain of 32kN ( Nylon rope breaking strain information ). Considering that the chain hook that the snubber line attached to is only 10kN then the snubber line is more that adequate.

While we were at the secret anchorage we looked at all the places we wanted to go. What could we do, how far could we get. There is always a lot to consider of which the most important one of these is weather. You really do need to consider the weather, consider the direction that the winds are travelling, consider the sea state and so much more. Sometimes I just love the planning part so much as I love the possibilities that are available.

That night the anchor alarm went off, but we just looked at the situation and we decided that there was not much of an issue. We are less worried about the anchor dragging for several reasons

  • An anchor will try and reset, in light to moderate winds
  • You might not of set the ranging ring in the correct position. The middle of the ranging ring might not be at the exact spot that you dropped so if you have 30m of chain dropped then you should set your drag alarm at say 60m, we usually set it for 50m so sometimes you might stray out of the zone
  • When there is a blow then you are at the outer range, but then you will come in when the wind stops blowing

After the alarm we were due to set off but the Lassitude was strong, so we stayed another day. Than night we had a little beach fire to celebrate our 3000 subscriber