Meat feasts and castles

We had been away from Salty Lass for a few days as it was Easter and we had gone to my mothers 93rd Birthday. But as soon as my daughter had gone back to Sheffield, we were back down to Peel and Salty Lass. It was nice coming back to Salty Lass, she has only been in my life for a few weeks now, but she has already become part of my family and something that I love. I know that it will be a while before she is finally our home but I am really looking forward to it.

Shells on the beach

While we were in Peel we managed to look around and explore the castle. There is a really nice walk around the outside of the castle walls, while on the walk we came across a beach that was absolutly covered in scallop shells. Aparently they are from the local scallop business, the fishermen clean the scallops at sea and the shell beach is a result of their discards. We explored the harbour stopping off for a bowl of the Manx ice cream which was delicious. As we explored we found the local supermarkets which are small, twice as big as your local mini mart, to give you an idea of size.

Peel is a very quaint town, and the people are lovely, we needed to fuel up and because of the location of the pumps, we needed containers in which to carry the fuel, but these tanks cost at least £25 each and the harbour master just gave us two. On top of this another lady loaned us a self priming cython, which she called a jiggy hose and will now forever be a jiggy hose in our yacht. Again what fantastic people there are in the world.

We ate well while we were in port, devouring the contents of our meat locker in the process, our friends who are vegitarian were coming to help us take Salty Lass to Liverpool and one of them are vegitarian and as cooking facilities are sparce on a boat, it meant that we would all be vegitarian, lukily Beverley and I both love our vegetables so we were looking forward to it.