Tag: North Channel

To help you search we have tagged some pages with North Channel, so that you can find all our pages about North Channel

Watch our "Our last hoorah! No more sailing!" and add comments etc

Our last hoorah! No more sailing!

The weather was overcast, but there was no rain forecast so we decided to explore Islay, so we took the bus to Bowmore. Bowmore can be best described as a one street town with the circular church at...
Watch our "More hard lessons" video and add comment

More Hard Lessons

On Sunday the beast from the East was raging so Beverley and I went out for a walk, just to create the introduction to this weeks video, as our odyssey into the past continues with more hard...
Watch our "When plans get juncked" video and add comments etc.

When plans get junked

We were in Glenarm and an array of storms were coming in and the tide would mean that we would be arriving at a dangerous place late. I wanted to carry on because my heart said go, but in the end...
Watch our 'Rock 'n' roll' video and add comments etc.

Rock 'n' roll

So it was time to say Goodbye Scotland for now, we will be back, we only scrapped the surface of what Scotland has to offer, there is so much more to see in Scotland, so we will have to come back...
Watch our 'Sailing from Carrickfergus' video and add comment etc.

Carrickfergus to Ballycastle

We woke up quite late in Carrickfergus, or at least late for us as it was still well before nine o'clock. We had agreed to meet up with some people from Sailing and cruising Northern Ireland, as...
Watch No water under the keel in full screen mode and leave a comment etc.

No water under the keel

We stayed in Stranraer for the day, following our disaster. We were just tired out and we needed to recharge our batteries. I managed to go for a walk in the afternoon discovering a museum and an...
Watch Disaster on day one in full screen mode and leave comments etc.

Disaster on day one

We travelled up to Troon on the Sunday, so that we were bright and early to catch the morning tide out of Troon. When we got up the sea was as flat as glass and the reflections on the water were...