Tag: Glenarm

To help you search we have tagged some pages with Glenarm, so that you can find all our pages about Glenarm

Watch our "Not what we expected" video and add comments

Not what we expected

Our contract for Carrickfergus Marina had expired on 30th April so it was a good thing that it was a sailable day for sailing because we had to go. We had tested the boat, we gad tested ourselves so...
Watch our "When plans get juncked" video and add comments etc.

When plans get junked

We were in Glenarm and an array of storms were coming in and the tide would mean that we would be arriving at a dangerous place late. I wanted to carry on because my heart said go, but in the end...
Watch our 'Sailing Northern Ireland' video and add comments etc.

Sailing Northern Ireland

Summary on all the great journeys that we have done around Northern Ireland, Carrickfergus to Portrush, Glenarm and around Belfast Lough and Ardglass to Bangor. We sat down to do our Sailing...
Watch our 'Rock 'n' roll' video and add comments etc.

Rock 'n' roll

So it was time to say Goodbye Scotland for now, we will be back, we only scrapped the surface of what Scotland has to offer, there is so much more to see in Scotland, so we will have to come back...
Watch our 'Sailing from Carrickfergus' video and add comment etc.

Carrickfergus to Ballycastle

We woke up quite late in Carrickfergus, or at least late for us as it was still well before nine o'clock. We had agreed to meet up with some people from Sailing and cruising Northern Ireland, as...