Tag: Auto Pilot

To help you search we have tagged some pages with Auto Pilot, so that you can find all our pages about Auto Pilot

Watch our "Where we spent all our savings" video and add comments

Where we spent all our savings

Next week we will finally be installing the DC-AC convertor that we bought last year with the last of our budget. So we thought that this would be a great opportunity to discuss our budget for...
Warch our "Victory" video and add comments etc.


In our last blog, we realised that our mast wind instrument needed recalibrating, so we went out primarily to sort that out. Well as usual we got stuff wrong, nothing went right, but eventually...
Watch our "Autopilot is cleverer than we thought" video and add comments etc.

Clever Autopilot can follow a track

Well we found out that we can do more with our Auto pilot, we can get it to follow a track so that should be really useful. We even get the opportunity to get some drone footage in and that is...