Tag: Peel

To help you search we have tagged some pages with Peel, so that you can find all our pages about Peel

Watch our "Swing bridge fails! Are we struck here?" video and add comments

Swing bridge fails! Are we struck here?

We were in Peel and we put our sailing gear out to dry in the wind. We had got ourselves seriously soaked the night before, The light weather gear, from a down pour, while our foul weather gear was...
Watch our "Navigation - Outline plans" video and add comments etc.

Navigation - Outline plans

Following on from our previous video, we extract all the relevant information needed to draw up an outline passage plan for leaving Belfast Lough and heading over to Liverpool. Creating an...
Watch our 'Sailing Northern Ireland' video and add comments etc.

Sailing Northern Ireland

Summary on all the great journeys that we have done around Northern Ireland, Carrickfergus to Portrush, Glenarm and around Belfast Lough and Ardglass to Bangor. We sat down to do our Sailing...
Watch our 'Sea state moderate' video and add comments etc.

Sea State - Moderate

We had at last left Belfast Lough, it had seemed liked ages that we had been there. We had, had a great time but our itchy feet was moving us on. As usual, the weather had been too rough to get out...
Watch our 'Lessons learned whilst sailing' video and add comments etc.

Lessons learned whilst sailing

We were in at Port St Mary and I was so thankful to be tied up to the harbour wall. As we sorted out the lines, we invited the helmsman and his son from the diving charter boat onto Salty Lass. His...
Watch our 'Midnight manovers' video and add comments etc.

Queenies In Peel and Midnight Manoeuvrers

It was a very cold and wet day in Peel, so I decided to talk to the man cooking Queenies and other Manx favourites on the Pier. It was a little strange asking the man if I could film him cooking,...
Watch our 'Sailing for the Disabled' and add comments etc

Sailing with the disabled

We had met Arne the chairman of Isle of Man sailing for the disabled in Peel when we were bringing Salty Lass down from Troon to Liverpool and we arranged a day where we could help out on Pride of...
See our 'Spripping Rolling and Booming' video and add comments etc.

Stripping, Rolling and Booming

Our time cruising was coming to a close, we had things to do in Liverpool, so it was time to start heading for home in Liverpool. The passage though the Donaghadee Sound had been a lot easier than...
Watch Ferry to the Mersey in full screen mode and leave comments etc.

Ferry to the Mersey

Our friends Karen and Steve, arrived on the Friday and we all consulted the weather and the local tides. The weather for the Friday was not great for sailing so it gave us chance to explore Peel...
Watch Meat feast and Castles in full screen mode and leave comments etc.

Meat feasts and castles

We had been away from Salty Lass for a few days as it was Easter and we had gone to my mothers 93rd Birthday. But as soon as my daughter had gone back to Sheffield, we were back down to Peel and...