Tag: Fridge

To help you search we have tagged some pages with Fridge, so that you can find all our pages about Fridge

Watch our "Watermaker" video and add comments etc.

Our watermaker

We heard the high pressure pump go off unexpectedly, and the last time that happened we had lots of water in the bilge, so it was time to investigate. You can tell that Beverley and I do not...
Watch our 'Lashing down in Lamlash' video and add comments etc.

Lashing down in Lamlash

We had left Troon and we managed to sail across the Firth of Clyde to Arran and a town called Lamlash which is just behind a small island called Holy island which gets its name because of St....
Watch our 'Giants, fridges and kedgeree' video and add comments etc.

Giants, fridges and kedgeree

Here be giants The giants were in Liverpool so we went to see them along with our friend Karen. It has been a long time since I saw the crowds that were in Liverpool. The last time that I saw...