What fun will we have this year

Watch our "Rafting or Harbour Walls? Which is best?" video and add comments

Rafting or Harbour Walls? Which is best?

We were in Douglas, out on the waiting pontoon. The good thing about the the waiting pontoon is that it is half the price of being inside the inner harbour. There is even electric out on the waiting...
Watch our "Our fastest sail of the year!" video and add comments

Our fastest sail of the year!

We had left Liverpool and we were proceeding up the channel, vast the various buoys that mark the channel. One of the markers that we were pleased to see was the Crosby Fairway buoy as it has been...
Watch our "Help! I am being hunted down" video and add comments

Help! I am being hunted down

We had got out of the yard which meant that we needed to put the sails back up. While we had the sails down we used the opportunity to service in and around the sails, for example the foresail was...
Watch our "Is our propeller broken?" video and add comments

Is our propeller broken?

The sails were down and Salty Lass was ready for going into the yard. Once in the yard she got her bottom cleaned. Salty Lass is copper coated so there were very few barnacles, the ones we have tend...
Watch our "The weather is hot and we need to strip off" video and add comments

The weather is hot and we need to strip off

As the weather was so mild we decided that we would come in over the rock channel, which is a set of drying sands which are typically 3-4m above chart datum. In normal circumstances this would be a...
Watch our "500ft high and we failed to see them! Oops!!" video and add comments

500ft high and we failed to see them! Oops!!

We had been away from Salty Lass for two weeks while we sorted out solicitors, the funeral and a few other things. The list of outstanding tasks is still quite large, so we decided to continue on...
Watch our "Passage Failure!" video and add comments

Passage Failure!

While we were in Caernarfon we saw my brother and met a really nice guy who donated some money into our Ko-fi account. It was good to feel appreciated for the videos that we put out and the work...
Watch our "Farewell Ireland! But we WILL be back" video and add comments

Farewell Ireland! But we WILL be back

We were in Arklow and after a days rest, sailing can really take it out of you, it was time to plan our departure over to Caernarfon bar. When, Beverley and I are looking at passages there are...
Watch our "Masterclass: How NOT to gybe your sailboat" video and add comments

Masterclass: How NOT to gybe your sailboat

We left Kilmore Quay with a little bit of fowl tide. The tide turns early inshore, but we went about an hour earlier than that so that by the time we were at the corner of Ireland the tide would be...
Watch our "The graveyard of a thousand ships" video and add comments

The graveyard of a thousand ships

We left Dunmore East under an incredibly moody sky, I love dark skies, especially when there is sunlight in the foreground, The contrast between the bright foreground and the dark skies is something...