Tag: Crinan Canal

To help you search we have tagged some pages with Crinan Canal, so that you can find all our pages about Crinan Canal

Watch our 'Sailing Scotland' video and add comments etc.

Sailing Scotland

Our 2019 cruise around Scotland started in Port Ellen on the isle of Islay which won our good variety award as there was lots of good walks in the area, a good point of interest, to go and explore...
Watch our 'Sailing to Saturn' video and add comments etc.

Sailing to Saturn

We were in Ardrishaig and Salty Lass needed a good clean. We also needed to stock up on food. the last place that we had done a food shop was in Oban so supplies were running pretty low. So there...
Watch our 'Crinan Canal' adventure and add comments etc.

Crinan canal

We were moored up at the the North entrance to the Crinan canal. the basin at Crinan is a rather picturesque little spot with a restaurant and a hotel. The main thin that I was interested in while I...
Watch our 'We dragged our anchor' video and add comments ect.

We dragged our anchor

After anchoring in Loch Drambuie, which according to Google maps is Droma Buidhe, no where near as nice sounding name.  it was time to start heading south, we want to explore more of Ireland...